Eason Chan 陳奕迅 - 歲月如歌 Song Information
Song Name
Song Tag(s)
TV Series【衝上雲霄】Theme Song
Original Reference MV
Sheet Information
Performance mode
No. of Pages
5 Pages
Starting Key
Publish Date
Long time ago
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Listening in 2024
2024 listening👋🏻👋🏻👋🏽👋👋🏽👋
This was happened in 31/12/2014 and it has been nearly 10 years. This will be the last time I make a comment on this because I need to move on and fully focus on my current study so that I will have a chance to step closer to my dream after 5 years. Firstly, I would say I cannot believe times fly so fast and I am already 27 years old. For the past decade, there were many ups and downs. Every time when I feel depressed, I would recall the memory back to 2014. I thought I have let you go but I didn’t. I am such a sentimental person who will cry for little things. It was embarrassed to cry in front of you while we were having a phone call. I would say the reason I cannot let you go because that was a really good memory for me and that was the first time I count down with a girl. In that night, I made many clumsy mistakes and procrastinated for nearly an hour to make a confession to you. What a silly boy. I would say the reasons I cannot let this memory go are because I want to know the answer for whether you had the same feeling as I did and whether you watch the birthday video clip I made for you. To be honest, I don’t have the gut to chase you back because of many things. You and I must change a lot in terms of our value and mindset after a decade. Perhaps I just miss the time when we were both at the age of 17 or 18. Anyhow, I finally realise that there is no point for me to keep thinking this incident because I cannot make things right again. I will put this precious memory deep in my heart and I am grateful that we spent a special night in 31/12/2014. Wish you all the best my childhood friend and find someone who will truly love you and treasure you. Secondly, this is related to my current study. When getting older, I become a person who is very cautious the decision I gonna make and easily get overwhelm by negativity and worries. I used to hate the time in asso because that was a tough and stressful time. Everyone was so realistic and no one would care about how am I feeling. But yesterday I finally thought that was a good experience and I am grateful for this experience because without this experience, I wouldn’t know how to handle stress and wont be able to have an opportunity to continue my current study. Enough is enough. I hereby promise myself I will use my 120% to complete my current study and no more worrying about this or that. I am always an underdog and I must be able to pass this semester if I go all in, just like what I did in the past. Thankyou for all the good people I have encountered in my life. Without your help, I wouldn’t be able to study this course. I got this and will complete it. Finally, I will ditch my bad habits. I hereby make a promise to myself on 14/2/2024.