Crowd Lu 盧廣仲 - 刻在我心底的名字 Song Information

Crowd Lu 盧廣仲
Song Name
Song Tag(s)
刻在我心底的名字Your Name Engraved Herein
Movie【刻在我心底的名字】Theme Song
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Original Reference MV
Original Song MV: 刻在我心底的名字
Sheet Information
Performance modeID
Numbered Sheet
No. of Pages
3 Pages
Starting Key
調號有 2 個 b
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刻在我心底的名字 Stave Sheet Page 1Preview for page 1 onlyPreview for page 1 only
Users Comment
This movie is forever engraved in my soul 😇 ❤️
It really makes me cry every single time I watch it 😭

Maybe because I can relate it with my story too🥺:

As a Swahili 🇹🇿 born in 1998
I still experienced homophobia as early as I couldn't even know what being gay really was

I was just living homosexuality unknowing of how much of an unforgiving & blasphemous sin it was
Until I grew up

I had one friend at boarding school (secondary o-level) whom I loved the most
He too loved me unconditionally (he became my friend as I was his academic mentor he trusted) and occasionally he'd pet me over touch me kiss me on the cheeks affectionately and happily

but the day I started actively
touching his privates when making stories in bed together
I found a hard wiener underneath his sweatpant

He became outrageous and almost our friendship died on the spot
He started avoiding me in bed at all cost or at close proximities like a disease

Unfortunately He's straight 😭💔he enjoyed the affection we'd but couldn't consent to further ongoings

My life after there been unstable

I met people who were ready to have sex with me but for money
some accepted who I am but refused to penetrate me

So I remained virgin as male and as a bottom

But one day
I met an Angel 😇
OMG my loyal and loving brother who's 10+ years older than me
He's a father of a son and never gay he's straight as a ruler
He's lean and not as muscular 5'6 tall (I was 5'3)

His wiener 🍆 (no exaggeration) is statistically unbelievable but it overall fitted his physique with so much aura (even though he never bragged about it LMAO)
so good that his 🍆 was as long as 7 inch and a satisfyingly thick BBC
He almost killed me on my first sex ever
as I'd barely walk straight soon after and relieve from anal and pelvic damage he gave me for almost two weeks straight

He did me gently but his penis was unbelievably massive and I don't believe to date the fact I'd handle it all deep in me throughout the night only to suffer two weeks straight
Maybe passion/thirst/love made me anesthesized from pain

He's the only man engraved in my soul then and forever more
He accepted me and nurtured me to becoming a dad today
A bisexual dad (even though I enjoy being a bottom /gay life more)
Even though
We're a minority in this judgemental world
I still believe God knows why we exist😭❤️🙏🏿
世界上隻有一種性向 那就是心之所向~
Sanırsam çince bilmediğim için bunu buraya gelen kimse anlayamayacak ama şunu söylemek istiyorum ki en azından yaşamışsınız hüzünler de güzeldir ağlamadan gülmeden kızmadan hayal kırıklığına uğramadan geçen bir ömür hiç yaşanmamıştır


幸好現在回來再聽,這個測試,算勉強過關了? 哭還是會哭,掛念懷念還是有,不過更多的是,沒有那麼跟自己過不去了

LJH,那個刻在我心底的名字,會一直藏在塵封的位置吧? 希望之後再來做測試,會發現那塵封的位置都清理乾淨,不再哭,不再痛
YNEH 2025 watcher here
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